Dermatologist Dr. Sandra Lee, renowned as Dr. Pimple Popper, has amassed over three million YouTube subscribers by showcasing her expertise in extracting various skin anomalies. In her recent upload, initially posted on Monday, she addresses the removal of a pilar cyst situated on a woman’s scalp.
With Dr. Lee’s adept surgical skills and the application of numbing medication, the extraction unfolds swiftly and provides a gratifying outcome. Notably, around the 1:48 mark, the cyst releases a stream of material, culminating at 2:30 when Dr. Lee deftly extracts the entire cyst as a singular, smooth bulb.
Throughout the procedure, Dr. Lee engages in an intriguing conversation with the patient, who recounts a previous endeavor to pop one of her cysts at home. The patient shares that she had squeezed the cyst and later observed “something pointy” protruding from it a few days afterward, indicating that the growth hadn’t been completely emptied.
This anecdote serves as a valuable reminder that attempting DIY cyst popping is often ineffective and potentially hazardous.
Pilar cysts are benign growths frequently found on the scalp, as outlined by DermNet NZ, the educational platform of the New Zealand Dermatological Society. These cysts are sacs within the skin that accumulate keratin—the protein constituting hair and nails, and the distinctive material expelled when a cyst is squeezed.